
Music reviews & more

Category: King Crimson

  • BEAT 10/5/24

    BEAT 10/5/24

    Beacon Theatre, NYC Intro I recently saw a BEAT show, consisting of Adrian Belew, Tony Levin, Steve Vai and Danny Carey playing 80s King Crimson music. I’d been drooling to see this since it was announced earlier in the year, and I think pretty much everyone who attended was a hardcore fan as tickets sold… Read more

  • Lost Seinfeld Episode 7/8 – Scene by Scene

    Lost Seinfeld Episode 7/8 – Scene by Scene

    I had ChatGPT generate this episode for a lark, prompting each scene separately. Any typos happened during formatting. JERRY’S OPENING STANDUP MONOLOGUE Progressive rock and its time signatures, folks. I mean, these musicians are like mad scientists in a laboratory, cooking up a musical experiment that would make Einstein scratch his head. They’re like, “Hey,… Read more